--by phnxhawk--
Manny and I have bags bursting with boomerangs, but unfortunately, between the two of us, we have only one boomerang that was carved for southpaws, my left-handed Rainier. Manny also has a Tri-Fly, which, if I recall correctly, can be twisted as needed to be left- or right-handed. In any case, Pierre gave them a try and was quite intrigued, but was drawn instead to the challenge of throwing like our friend Gabe.
As you might recall from one of our recent videos, our other friend Gabe has developed his own techniques for throwing left-handed boomerangs with his right. It was absolutely fascinating to watch Pierre work through the same process on his own. He was doing so well, in fact, that by the end of the day, he had worked his way up to his first throw-and-catch. Way to go, Pierre! (And thanks for taking video for us! Here are a few more pictures from our outing with Pierre to go with the video.)
of photos...it's not too often that we have someone behind the camera
while we're throwing. Late last year, I had a chance to meet up with
Will Watts to throw some boomerangs. He brought his family along to
enjoy such sandy beaches as we have here by LAX, and his wife snapped
some great photos.
It was great fun to meet a fellow enthusiast. I'm definitely looking forward to future opportunities to get together. By the way, he makes some great-looking boomerangs! When I get the chance, I'll post some photos of one he gifted to me.
For those of you who are still following our little blog here,
thank you again for your patience! And the same goes for those of you who are
just discovering us and wondering, "Just who are these blokes who
purport to know a thing or two about these boomerangs"!
"Putting my spin on boomerangs..."
a greeting to friends throwers in Los Angeles, nice video and beautiful beach. My video: boomerang vs drone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asELAkgTcLQ. From Italy, ciao