Over the last 2 weeks I had a chance to experience two ABS models from Adam Carroll of RealBoomerangs.com. The first boomerang is "Tornado", a four wing beauty that's easy to throw and very versatile and also reversible! The second boomerang is "Spirit", an advanced boomerang ready to tackle both your sporting needs and your competitive needs.
I have seven of Adam's boomerangs in my bag. Adam's boomerangs are so important to me because the very first boomerang I throw to get warmed up to start my session is his "Cyclone". This boomerang was a happy accident as I originally ordered a Tornado (old version) from Rich Harrison. What I ended up with was Cyclone, a warm up boomerang that I can really rely on.
The reason for obtaining an ABS version of Spirit was because I couldn't throw the one I had. I had originally purchased a polypropylene version of "Spirit" from Rich Harrison (Boomerangman.com), last year. I bought it with two other boomerangs from Adam, "Champ" and "Paragon". I quickly adapted to Champ and Paragon but not with Spirit. Being that I don't give up so easy, I contacted Adam for a few tips on how I can have success with Spirit the same way I was having success with the other two. Adam simply wrote me back and said "Let me make you another one in ABS! I think you'll like it better!". The level of customer service that Adam gives is the one of the best I've ever encountered. He even talked into getting the ABS Tornado to throw along side my Cyclone. Go figure, I got the Tornado anyway! Below is what the boomerangs look like.
As you can see these new boomerangs from Adam Carroll are absolutely fantastic. These two boomerangs cover the beginner as well as the advanced thrower. I'll be looking forward to mastering these two over the next few weeks.
You can get the these boomerangs from:
Adam Carroll at www.realboomerangs.com
Rich Harrison at www.boomerangman.com
Ted Bailey at www.flight-toys.com
I have a lot more reviews in my bag so stay tuned!
--Charles aka "hey_kuya"--
For a second look at Spirit from phnxhawk, see the link below: